Sunday, August 2, 2009

Heidi and Jonathan

Yesterday we were able to celebrate the marriage of my cousin Heidi. She looked so beautiful! (Jonathan looked quite dashing himself :) It was held at Heather Farms Community Center in Walnut Creek and it was such a nice setting. The Lord gave them beautiful weather for their special day with just a slight breeze to keep away that Walnut Creek heat.

The Johnson Family

Heidi and Jonathan with my Aunt Binky and my grandma

Oh....they were kind! I'm amazed that I got as good a picture as I did...because there were about 12 people around me who also wanted a picture of this. :):)

Jonathan and Heidi with the Epps kiddos

Congratulations Jonathan and Heidi!! We are so happy for you and pray that your marriage will be one that brings glory to the Lord. We love you!

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