Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy 50th Koinonia!!!

On August 28th we travelled down to Koinonia to celebrate the 50 years that the Lord has blessed Koinonia with.
Anna with the 50 year handout

It was so fun to see so many old time friends and family. Some staff members that I worked with and had not seen in awhile were there too!
My cousin Jennifer and her sweet family

Abby did one of the ropes courses...she didn't get very high up...but I thought it was great that she even wanted to try.

It was so good to see John Brooks and his family. It's been quite awhile since I've seen him...although his very faithful wife sends us all birthday cards and anniversary cards every year....without fail.

I was SOOOO excited when I heard that Kevin and Patti craig were going to be there!! I love them! I hadn't seen them since they left Koinonia over 15+ years ago. Now their oldest is married and their youngest just graduated from high school. Where has the time gone?? It was really fun to be able to catch up with them.

John and Jennifer Brooks and their boys

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Where do I start? I guess since I can't find my pictures in this computer..grrrr....I will just write. SOOO much has been happening lately. My great Aunt Florence is going through chemo..and struggling. My grandparents are just getting older and need more assistance. My Aunt Binky just found out that she has cancer and is going to go through cancer treatment. top it all Great Uncle Bob passed away in the midst of all of this. So much! Sometimes my brain has felt so jumbled up lately with so much that I thought it would burst! A verse that I LOVE that I have been clinging to is "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I." Such EXCELLENT advice. No need to take on the troubles and overwhelming thoughts all by myself. My ROCK wants me to give them to Him. What better hands could they be in??