Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Grandma Mary's Memorial (Charley's paternal grandmother)

At the beginning of May, we all flew to Las Vegas as Charley's grandmother passed away. We had heard she was sick and we were actually planning on going to see her...but she went quickly, so we weren't able to see her alive. Thankfully, we were able to fly there as driving to Vegas would not have been a very fun trip. Charley was asked to do the message and we were excited about the opportunity that doing that allowed. Now we just pray for the fruit from it. Charley's cousin Chris also gave a message and was right on!
Below is a picture of all of Charley's aunts and uncle's (his dad's siblings - minus Charley's dad and another uncle who passed away).
(l-r: Uncle George, Uncle Ronnie, Aunt Mary, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Jane, Uncle Jewell)

Me with Uncle Jewell's daughter Lisa

Charley and his sister Tonia and brother Pat

Caleb Epps and....CALEB EPPS!! Can you believe it!? There are two Caleb Epps' in the Epps family!! We were very surprised to find this out when we arrived in Vegas. So funny!

The Charley Epps family and the George Epps family

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