Sunday, December 26, 2010

Field Trip to the Capitol

In November, Charley took the day off and we took the Amtrak train to the Capital in Sacramento. It was quite a fun field trip. We even got to see Governor Schwartzeneggers office.....guarded of course.

Field Trip to the Exploratorium and SFO

The kids at the Golden Gate Bridge. When you are leaving SFO, go to the left side of the bridge. It is so fun! Don't remember the name of it, but it was totally a boy thing!

In the BIG chair at the Exploratorium

The kids made their own marble maze and I think they must have been there for an hour or more...they had SOOOO much fun doing this. They did a great job and one of the workers even took pics of it.

Ardenwood Harvest Festival 2010

Ardenwood Harvest Festival was once again a special day! If you haven't gone, I would highly recommend it. Lots of fun and lots of photo opps :):)

Anna turns 6

My baby turned 6 this past November! Hard to believe...although she is 6 going on 16 :(
My mom and her "best Anna"

Anna had lots of her friends over for a special 6 year old birthday party.