Sunday, November 29, 2009

My cousin Jamie's Bridal Shower

Today was my cousin Jamie's bridal shower. She looks so happy and confident in God's will for her life in becoming Josh's wife. I am so happy for you Jamie! May the Lord bless your new life together as you live and work together for Him!

It was a black and white shower so everyone wore black and white (with a few variations:) and pretty much every one's package was black and white (with a bit of purple thanks to Bed Bath and Beyond wrapping:):).

Jamie and Me

Sisters! Ashley, Jamie, & Jodie

Are you sure there aren't 4 Milburn sisters?? Auntie Terri joined them in this picture.

Momma Milburn and her "little" girl:)

We had the shower at Jamie's cousin Michelle Widman's house.
Michelle, Pam (with Michelle's little guy Henry), Kelly (Michelle's mom and my Auntie Terri's sister)

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