Friday, February 13, 2009

The Epps Happenings

Well, it has been awhile since I've updated...mostly because it really didn't seem like there was anything really interesting lately in our lives that deserved a post on. But hey....we've got 5 kids! There is ALWAYS something, if not something INTERESTING, going on at our house:) I think back at the last 3 or so weeks and recount. I had to say goodbye to my dear friend Betsy on the 29th. With some friends, even though you don't see them that often, you just seem to pick up where you left off. That is Betsy and my relationship. I appreciate her so much and wish that we could spend more time together sharing our hearts, our joys, our struggles. I appreciate you so much Betsy!
Last week we were ALL down with the horrible, no good, very bad, volcanic and violent stomach flu. It started with the youngest...skipped Caleb...but then came back to Caleb...and ended with the oldest...and I'm not talking about the oldest child. It was BAD! I think I got it the worst of everybody:( Thankfully Charley was already planning on taking a couple of days off so I just stayed in bed and slept.....ALL DAY!
Charley has been preaching at Calvary for the last month on Joshua and Caleb. Last week, he talked about Joshua, Jericho and Rahab. I was impressed with the fact that both Joshua and Rahab believed God in what He said and they showed their belief in their obedience (Joshua in taking the walled city of Jericho and Rahab in her obedience in putting the red chord out her window) It made me think of me and my life. Do I move forward in obedience, taking God at His word, or do I worry and question? In my quiet times lately, I have been studying Genesis and I was struck by Noah and his unquestioning belief and obedience to the Lord. Did he question God when God told him to build an ark? I'm thinking he didn't since the Lord didn't record it. He records others disbelief and questioning (Abraham, Sarah, Zechariah), but with Noah it just says, "Noah did all that the Lord commanded him." What a testimony to his family and to us thousands of hears later! I pray that it may be said of me, Stacey did all that the Lord commanded her. As I write this, the song Trust and Obey is running through my head.
When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word
What a glory He sheds on our way
When we do His good will
He abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey
Trust and Obey for there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
I looked at last years calendar a few days ago and realized that today is the 1 year anniversary to when Joshua went in for his surgery...the first time...his tonsillectomy and insertion of tubes. We are so thankful that Joshua is doing so well and praise the Lord that even though this time last year was quite a frustrating time for us, that the Lord knew exactly what He was doing and everything was fixed in His perfect timing. Thanks to all of our friends and family for lifting us up before the Throne of Grace during and after the surgeries. Your prayers were felt and MUCH appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mom and I just listened to one of Dave Reeve's sermons on the FH website. It was excellent-similar to what Charley has been speaking about lately, reaching the lost. PTL for Joshua's health- God is good! We love you guys!