Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our Baby is Growing Up

It is a sad day in the Epps household. Our baby is growing up. Don't take me wrong, I'm happy she is growing, but it is also a bittersweet time as she grows out of the "baby" stuff and turns into a little girl. A few weeks ago we took down Anna's pen, well used and loved (except for Kristina) by all of our kids. Anna probably liked it the best as she would even ask to go in it sometimes (I don't think any of the other kids did that). A plus to this is now I can actually put a dining room table in my dining room!

Today we took down the crib and set up her toddler bed. I know what you're thinking, "My goodness Stacey, it's about time! You're daughter IS 3 1/2.!" All of the other kids were kind of "forced" out of their time in the crib as there was a new baby on the way. Anna has had no reason to get out of her crib as she IS the baby (I tell her that she is my forever baby:):)
And so..we bid goodbye to babyhood:( Goodbye crib. Goodbye pen. We are starting to work on saying goodbye to diapers. What a precious time of life baby/toddlerhood is. A precious little one who is dependent on you for everything, loves you unconditionally and loves to (at least most of the time) lavish you, and be lavished upon, with hugs and kisses. There is nothing quite like it....maybe we should have another one.......:) JUST KIDDING!!


Becky said...

This makes me appreciate where my kids are at even more. It is a great age...1 & 2.
Abby looks a lot like Lindsay did back in elementary school. Tell her I said hi.

Rachel said...

All too true! I want to cry every time something new is accomplished by one of my kiddos... Jonathan going potty all by himself, Joanna putting on her own shoes, Janelle starting to eat rice cereal... we get them for only a short time, that is for sure! May our lives and influence be such that will point them to the Lord! Love you all! (By the way, what's with girls and princess'?:) I noticed Anna's princess collection... Joanna LOVES anything that looks "princessy"!:)

Epps Clan said...

Rachel..I think Anna gets it from Abby. We really don't promote princesses in our house (we do have a few Disney ones though as you can see from the picture) Abby is the princess of everything. She is just SUPER girly. She loves to dress up, play ballet, and wear anything frilly/dressy. Allie showed me her facebook of your kids. They are so Cute! Jonathan looks like John, Joanna looks like Mario Alfonso, and Janelle looks like you. So cute! Love you guys.:)